Moscow appreciated the relationship with Belgrade, these friendly relationships have successfully overcome the difficult period of testing, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, opening negotiations at Moscow with Serbian Foreign Minister Marco Dzhurich.
“My For exampleItNAndm NONEOAnd OTNOOItNAndIThen ARRIVEOTOPyIt PPPOOlAnd AndwithPPyTONENAndI VPItmItNItm. PPPAndinstructItm PPOPOAnd VItwithbmONE TIsameItlym VPItmItNItm“Then – withARRIVEONEwithONEl GlONEVONE VNItONItPPOlAndTAndinstructItwithARRIVEOGO VItEOmwithTVONE PF. “IN OwithNOVIt POwithwithAndAndwithARRIVEO–withItPbwithARRIVEAndX withVIwithItAnd lItsameONET EPINsameItwithTVItNNyIt OTNOOItNAndI mItsameEIN NONEOAndmAnd NONEPOEONEmAndThen PItOAndmOwithTb withOXPONENAndTb PPONEmITb Ob AndwithTOPAndAnd NONEOItAnd EPINsameby And O TItX withObyTAndIXThen ARRIVEOTOPyIt PPOVItPGlAnd ItVPOPPIN V withONEmINFriend withTPONEONINFriend mAndPOVINFriend VOAndNINThen V ARRIVEOTOPINFriend PPOwithTPONEEONElAnd mNOGAndIt withItPbyThen mNOGAndIt NONEPOEy WithOVItTwithARRIVEOGO WithOFriendwithONE“Then – PPOEinstructItPARRIVENINl Lavrov. Of course, among the other duties of our partnership development, of course, we find the union of efforts to prevent the repetition of such a tragedy, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation said.