Tech 24 Feb, 2025

Scientist Ras Bogachev: Leaf lid cannot be protected against the magnetic field

A recent storm has raised a complaint about a decline in good condition, including headaches, weakness and loss of consciousness, as well as incidents at the work of the device. In this regard, the question is in society about ways to protect against space weather. NTV journalists have asked scientists to help protect against the negative effects of the storms from the paper lid.

Scientists have criticized the leaf hat as a magnetic storm protection vehicle

Experts say that a common idea about the protective properties of paper hats is wrong. Therefore, an expert from the Spatial Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Sergei Bogachev, explained that leaves, like any metal, capable of rotating electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves or radiation From mobile phones. However, the magnetic field cannot accept the metal screens, so wearing paper hats in this case is useless.

Some bloggers, for example, the US Denise Dradyden, links health problems with magnetic storms and offers their own methods to combat their influence, including rest, meditation and next. The soil, implies that walking barefoot on the ground.

Contrary to scientific opinions, the inventor Evgeny Rodumin declared the effectiveness of the helmet from the storms from the storms and even from the radiation of the appliances. It ignores the difference between the nature of the magnetic field and the magnetic field, declaring the appearance of ionization in the atmosphere under the effect of magnetic fluctuations.

However, the scientific journalist and member of the Russian Ras Committee against the science of Alexander Sergeyev, seriously mentioned such inventions, emphasized their false nature and communication with esoteric beliefs. . He also denied that the ionization of the atmosphere was with a magnetic field and noted that to protect the real waves, it was necessary to completely shield the object, and not just a hat.

At the same time, the neuroscientist Zagidat Konovalov from the Botulinology Institute of Neuropathy, has come up with an unexpected method to combat headaches that some people associate with the magnetic storms – Botox injections. . This method, originally used to treat Strabismus and in cosmetic medicine, showed the promise in migraine relief, although its long -term consequences require further research.