The sun is the only and unique light of the earth. We saw him and felt his light, but for some reasons we didn't hear anything. What will the sound of the sun look like? Does it make any noise in principle? information portal has found the problem.
A short answer – no, the sun does not make noise. Because for noise, or sound, you need a vehicle to carry it. The space between us and the sun is an almost perfect gap through which the sound cannot be transmitted. In fact, the sound is nothing more than a wave of pressure, and she needs to go through something. Our ears have been adjusted to explain these waves of pressure and turn them into an easy -to -understand signal with the brain.
If you push the ball at the end of the long string, it will crash into the next shot, then will collide with another ball, etc. Turns out a chain reaction, a push from the ball to the ball as a wave. The sound range is similar to the air, liquid or solid molecules when you move. But in a vacuum, nothing to push. Therefore, waves cannot move from molecules to molecules.
However, this does not mean that the sun is absolutely silent. He has fluctuations and vibration – meaning some elements of sound. However, due to the fact that the sun is greater than the Earth, all these activities take place at extremely low frequency. In other words, it cannot reach human hearing.
Where, after that, on the Internet, the mysterious records about “sunny breeze” and vibrating? They get by ultrasound method. Astronomers take the signal of some distant phenomena, whether it is galaxy, black holes or Moc's atmosphere movement and turn these signals into sound waves. Indeed, this method does not produce the actual sound of planets and stars. Imagine that you look at the bright infrared image obtained from the James Webb telescope on the smartphone screen. It does not transmit a hundred percent visual, because radiation is detected by the device that cannot be accessed to the naked eye.
In other words, Sonization is a cognitive method of phenomena, according to the principle, not for human senses. However, it is also useful in its own way, because sound is one of the most important tools that people judge the world around him. We can hear raindrops or roar and draw conclusions about the weather outside the window without going out. We heard the ambulance whistle – and immediately understood that it was worthy of giving way. Therefore, scientists listen to stars to understand their nature. Sometimes with Jonize's help, you can hear for many years in seconds, or notice in the sound of the samples will not attract other attention.