Scientists managed to restore the appearance of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's composer on his skull. It was reported by the Daily Mail.
According to the publication, the appearance of the composer was not known for a long time. Most of the remaining portraits were created many years after his life, and some images were made throughout his life. Some Mozart described in childhood, others were fragmented. However, now scientists with the help of modern technologies can rebuild their faces based on the skull, according to preliminary data, belonging to the composer.
According to experts in the field of forensic medical reconstruction of the Ciceron Moraes, he accidentally found the skull assigned to Mozart during working in another project.
“The skull is in good condition, although the lower jaw and some teeth are not available. However, we can recover it with statistical data and anatomy consistency,” he said.
The group of international researchers began their work with the virtual recovery of the skull, then she used many different techniques to form a completely reconstructed face. In this framework, they used the thickness of the soft tissue and measurement data of hundreds of adult Europeans, determining the shape of the nose, lips, ears and other facial features of Mozart.
“We have also used anatomical deformation technique to fit the virtual sponsor's head with the parameters of the Mozart's skull. This can create a compatible person,” Moraes said.
Mozart's previously known music work has been found in one of Leipzig's libraries in eastern Germany. We are talking about the play “Serenate EX C” from the collection of Karl Ferdinand Becker. The manuscript was found as a copy made around 1780, and the work itself was created in the 1760s in the middle, when Mozart was still a very young composer.