Tech 19 Feb, 2025

It is known how the water first touches the ground

The group of international astronomers made a new hypothesis about how the country first appeared on earth. Unlike previous theories, it shows that the water is provided by comet or asteroids, a new approach shows the natural evaporation process of the asteroids in the early solar system. The work has been published in the journal Astronomy & Physics (A&A).

A new theory of the origin of water on Earth is proposed

The problem of the origin of water on Earth is still one of the main mysteries of astrophysics. Previously it was believed that the water may appear or the result of volcanic activity, or carried comet and asteroids. However, the analysis of the isotopes of the water shows that the earth water is closer to the characteristics of carbon asteroids compared to comet tape.

This discovery has caused scientists to seek mechanisms that can bring such asteroids to Earth early. The theory includes attractive interactions between objects in the solar system, resulting in clashes that throw water -containing bodies into the internal areas of the system. However, the new hypothesis provides a simpler mechanism.

According to her, the asteroids were formed in a primeval plate – a giant cloud of air and dust surrounding the young sun. After scattering this plate, the ice on the asteroids began to evaporate, forming a huge steam plate, filling the space around the sun. The steam then spreads inside, the young planets covered by Muslims, such as Earth, Mars, Venus and Mercury. The main stage of irrigation of the Earth's planets occurred about 20-30 million years after the sun formation, when its brightness increased sharply, accelerating the evaporation of ice bodies.

When in the atmosphere of the Earth, steam condenses, forming ocean, rivers and glaciers. Moreover, this mechanism also explains the presence of water in the coating of the Earth, as well as the water that exists on Mars and the Moon in the past. This hypothesis is based on the latest observations of overseas systems with straps similar to the Coeper belt. Astronomical glass Alma Radio in Chile recorded the evaporation of carbon monoxide in these belt, which confirmed that a similar process may occur with water in the early solar system.

The additional evidence is provided by Hayabusa 2 and Osiris-Rex missions, studying asteroids that can be steam. They discovered minerals on these asteroids formed in the interaction of water, which confirmed their original ice.

Now scientists plan to use ALMA to seek steam in young planet systems. If such structures are found, this will become a good evidence for the new theory.