Tech 26 Feb, 2025

In India, after 85 years, a fish was discovered again, formerly considered extinction

In India, scientists discovered Zmeegolov, who was considered to disappear 85 years ago. This rare freshwater fish, Channa Amphibeus, was the last time in the Him of Ma Son in India from 1918 to 1933. Since then, they are looking for him, but cannot find him.

In India, a fish was found, considered one

In 2024, scientists found three snakes living in the Chel river in Kalimpong city, West Bengal. They learned about this from the local people who ate this fish. Images and samples confirm that Zmeegolov still exists. wrote that Zmeegolov Chance is one of the most difficult species to grasp. He has a bright green scales with yellow stripes. It is only found in his river. According to Tekkere's wildlife fund, this is the most snake.

Forrest Galante biologists also search for this species, but cannot find it. In the end, he was very lucky.

This solution for this Indian iChyology Ichthyology emphasizes the importance of natural research and preserving species.