Tech 01 Mar, 2025

Americans are banned from collecting bacteria in the Russian ISS segment

American scientists have been banned from collecting bacteria from the Russian segment of the International Space Station (ISS). It was reported by RTVI.

Americans are banned from collecting bacteria in the Russian ISS segment

Journalists studied the United States) associated with the collection of bacteria for the ISS. It turned out that Americans could not collect related samples from the Russian terminal segment, because they were banned from doing this.

The co -founder of Rob Knight's research said that the group of scientists collected samples in the nine compartments of the ISS, except Russian.

Of course, it will be very interesting to look at the Russian -Russian modules in the future version of this project and we will be happy to make these methods accessible, experts emphasize.

It was clarified that the scientific work began in October 2020 and ended in April 2021.

Experts have tried to compare microorganisms on the ISS micro -mulph with bacteria living in the natural environment. Turns out the variety of bacteria in the isolated space is less isolated than the variety of Earth. Therefore, they noticed the lack of microorganisms on the ISS, living freely in soil and water in worldly conditions.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that the introduction of artificial bacteria in isolated spaces improves the health of astronauts. In their opinion, it is very important to imitate the natural microorganism environment on Earth.

At the end of February, it was known that on the ISS ship, it was planned to be modernized by a 3D printer. The device update will be involved in Scoltech.