Patriarch Kirill said that in Russia there was no risk of trouble and socially. His words were given
The actor and TV host Sergei Belogolovtsev admitted in an interview with Tass that he returned to wo
The residents of the Kursk area have lost their essential property allocated nearly 44 billion ruble
Do not rush to say goodbye to the winter, in March to the European region of the Russian territory,
The Ministry of Education will double -check the results of the school's Olympic Games on Geogra
In the original, it was made by Russian girls Maria Yanovskaya and Svetlana Chertishcheva, 11 years
At night, one day of the apocalypse happened in Sochi, more than five years of rainfall decreased, t
The image on the tombs that the Russians posted traditionally, contrary to some opinions was not ban
Anapa residents noticed on the beach the braids of a rare natural naked phenomenon – tape.
26 -year -old graduates organized an explosion at the St. Petersburg-while the incident could be evi
May 31 and June 1, 2025 this summer festival, from the Moscow Urban Center back to the Hermitage gar
The scammers began to use a plan with a person's abduction and ransom for the release, the Minis
The owner of the house with the platform, including the bathroom, the warehouse and the greenhouse,
Russian People's Artist Dmitry Pevsov commented on the Ukrainian court decision on the applicati
Deputy Ksenia Goryacheva (“Newcomer”) introduced a bill to the Duma State, which propose
Valentina Bystrova, the hosts and TV writers of the Soviet Union have passed away. This has been pub
The Ministry of Health proposes to evaluate the functions of the birth of Russians from 13 years old
In the future, the world may encounter a new outbreak of Covid-19. This has been reported as Runews2
Cold allergy in recent days has greatly affected girls and children across Russia. Regarding this, w
The Russian woman, who will judge that she has left her newborn daughter in the airport toilet in Tü
The first and only mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak died on the night of February 19-20, 2000
The appearance of 22 flights was detained at Novosibirk Tolmachevo airport, five more trips were can
The symbolic presentation is held at the National Center for Children and Youth (NCDU) “Seite&
Throwing all garbage into a tank is dangerous to the nature and health of everyone. The main mistake
Farewelling honorary artist of the Russian Federation, the oldest teacher of the Russian Theater Art
The Russian community public movement achieved the cancellation of the concert of the autopsy night
The opening ceremony of the Soviet People's Memorial dressing room Vladimir Zeldin took place at
In the Russian store chain “Perekrestok” has found worms in the “lover” fish
The independent demographic Alexei Raksha said that in Russia, 55% of marriages will soon shatter.
Terez Chombor, a famous actress of the theater, film and television, died and artist Operetta.