Local 11 Feb, 2025

A new method to detect methane and other gases has been developed

Scientists of South Ural State University (SUSU), along with researchers from Singapore, have developed a creative method to detect dangerous gases, including methane -aer. Exploitation industry.

A new method to detect methane and other gases has been developed

The sensors are collected on the basis of it more reliable than traditional equipment, press services of the university telling Tass.

INinstructItNyIt FriendINPGIN V withOONEVTOPwithTVIt with ARRIVEOllItGONEmAnd Andwith Singapore has developed an innovative method to detect small gas concentrations without using IR sensors. For the first time in Russia, they modernized the nonlinear interference method, which allows to successfully create a fiber -based sensor, press service.

The university explains that monitoring small gas levels is necessary in different fields. For example, in exploitation, it is necessary to control the level of gas concentration to ensure safety. It is also related in medicine and in industrial businesses to monitor the environment of the environment.

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Susu focuses on projects in the field of digital industry, material and ecological science. In 2021, the university won the competition under the Priority Program 2030. The school performed the functions of the project office of the Ural Inter -Region Education and Education Center, created to combine potential potentials. The function of educational and scientific organizations of the actual area of ​​Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Kurgan under the national project “National Science and Science and University”.